August 11th-16th, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The School is intended primarily for graduate students of physics
and other disciplines related to the field of fluid dynamics,
although advanced undergrad students and postdocs are also
encouraged to participate.
The School will be organized around six short courses of five hours
each, taught by internationally renowned experts. The topics and
lecturers are (titles of the courses to be confirmed):
– Turbulent flows (Annick Pouquet, NCAR, USA)
– Turbulence modeling (Charles Meneveau, Johns Hopkins Univ, USA)
– Atmospheric flows (Joseph Tribbia, NCAR, USA)
– Laboratory flows (Jose Wesfreid, ESPCI Paris, France)
– Flows in space (William Matthaeus, Bartol Research Inst., USA)
– Relativistic flows (Swadesh Mahajan, Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA)
A satellite workshop on «New Perspectives in Turbulence» will be held
on the same dates.
There are no registration fees to attend the School or the Workshop.
Partial financial support will be available for a limited number of students
from Argentina and Latin America.
Those students requesting financial support should fill out the
corresponding registration form NOT LATER THAN March 28, 2008. Because
of our limited funding, please note that priority will be given to those
students who can secure partial support from their home institutions.
For those participants who do not request funding, the DEADLINE
FOR REGISTRATION is April 30, 2008.
All participants are encouraged to contribute a poster presentation
during the School. We also welcome presentations to the workshop
on «New Perspectives in Turbulence» (most of the workshop presentations
will be posters, but a few will be selected for oral presentations).
The deadline for the corresponding abstract submission for both
activities (the School and the Workshop) is April 30, 2008.
Organizing Committee:
Sergio Dasso, Pablo Dmitruk, Daniel Gomez,
Pablo Mininni, and Fernando Minotti.
More information:
For information about Buenos Aires and more details about the
School, please visit the URL below:
URL: E-mail: