Presently, a PhD position is open on a joint project between the Molecular
Photonics group of Prof. W.J. Buma at the University of Amsterdam and the
Molecular Dynamics group of Dr. J. Oomens at the FOM Institute Rijnhuizen.
The project is concerned with the development of new functional systems
that are responsive to exposure to a temperature above a threshold value
and/or exposure to UV light. One of the approaches employed is based on
discotic liquid crystals. The spectroscopic properties of the employed
molecular systems have been studied to some extent in solution, liquid, and
solid state, but the excited and ionic state, properties under isolated
conditions, and – in particular how they change upon aggregation – are
largely unknown.
The candidate will set up, carry out, and interpret experiments in which
the structure, spectroscopy, and dynamics of monomers, aggregates, and size-
selected clusters with appropriate solvents of the relevant molecular
systems are investigated with high-resolution spectroscopic methods. We
will employ laser desorption in combination with supersonic expansions to
obtain isolated molecules and clusters with one or more solvent molecules,
and use REMPI and LIF methods to characterize them. A unique aspect of the
research is the accessibility to the Free-Electron Laser for Infrared
eXperiments (FELIX) facility in Rijnhuizen that allows us to cover the
vibrational frequency region down to 40 cm-1.
The project will be partially carried out at the FOM Institute Rijnhuizen
and partially at the University of Amsterdam. We are looking for an
enthusiastic candidate with a strong background in experimental physics or
physical chemistry. Experience with lasers is an advantage, but not
explicitly required. Interested candidates can apply by sending their CV
and the names of 3 references to either Prof. W.J. Buma or Dr. J. Oomens.
For further information please contact:
Prof. Wybren Jan Buma (UvA), E-mail: w.j.buma [arroba], Phone:+31-20-525
Dr. J. Oomens (FOM Rijnhuizen), E-mail: J.Oomens [aroba], Phone +31-