The Physics Department of the FCFM, University of Chile (Santiago), calls for applications to fill two (2) faculty positions
in the areas of Condensed Matter, Astrophysics and Gravitation.
These positions are expected to be filled in the course of 2008.
The applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in Physics or related area, have postdoctoral experience and show outstanding records of research.
Additionally, the applicants should have a strong commitment to teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
The interested candidates must send a Curriculum Vitae listing his/her
ISI-indexed publications and highlighting the three most relevant ones;
a photocopy of academic degrees; a brief research project and the
program of a course of his/her choice in physics.
The applicants should also indicate a time frame to take the appointment.
The candidates must request three reference letters to be sent directly to:
Concurso DFI/2008.2
Direccion Academica y de Investigacion – FCFM
Universidad de Chile
Beauchef 850 – Casilla 2777, Santiago
e-mail: sediraca@ing.uchile.cl
The applications will be received at the above address until
April 16, 2008. The academic level and salary are subject to the
curricular records of the appointee.
Further information at http://www.dfi.uchile.cl