Escuela sobre metodos computacionales en astrofísica, en Alemania

A Two-week School for «Computational Methods in Astrophysics»
From: Horst Fichtner

European Research Training Network «Solaire» ( at the
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (, Germany, March 3-14, 2008

The two-week school is part of the European Research Training Network Solaire
and will be held at the Ruhr-University Bochum, March 3-14, 2008. Modern
computational methods, particularly the techniques of finite differences and
volumes, particle-in-cell, multigrids and parallel computing will be
explained in detail followed by hands-on exercises (first week) and
applications to astrophysics, with an emphasis on solar physics (second week:
lectures and demos). The second week concentrates on state-of-the-art
computations in solar physics context. Its emphasis will be on recent
applications as well as on algorithmic advances (grid adaptivity, multi-scale
and multi-physics). This will be complemented by two plenary talks from
world-leading experts.

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Muestra «Exactas con humor»

El Programa de Historia de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la UBA tiene el agrado de anunciar la realización de la muestra “EXACTAS CON HUMOR: la historia de la FCEN y la UBA vista desde el humor gráfico”, que se llevará a cabo del 13 al 30 de noviembre en el patio central del Pabellón 2 de Ciudad Universitaria.

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Curso sobre Biomateriales

El CDIDI y el Dpto. de Ingenieria Mecanica tienen el agrado de invitarlo al Curso: MATERIALS IN MEDICINE: FROM TISSUE REPLACEMENT TO ORGAN REGENERATION que dictara el Prof. Diego Mantovani de la Universidad Laval de Canada. 12 al 16 de Noviembre, 2007 18-21 hs Salón Auxiliar del Consejo Directivo (P.B.) Facultad de Ingenieria, UBA Paseo … Leer más

Los Premios Nobel 2007

El Área de Ciencias del Centro Cultural Borges presenta:

Ciclo: Los Premios Nobel 2007

Los Premios Nobel son una cita obligada del ambiente científico mundial. Este año, a los tradicionales premios en Física, Química, Fisiología o Medicina y Economía, se agrega el galardón por la Paz, a ser entregado a los representantes más conspícuos en el tema del cambio climático global. En este Ciclo de Conferencias el Área de Ciencias del Centro Cultural Borges, en colaboración con la revista Ciencia Hoy, ha convocado a especialistas argentinos de las respectivas disciplinas para explicar los aportes realizados por los ganadores de los Premios Nobel de 2007.

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Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dates: August 11th-16th, 2008

Scientific rationale:
Fluid dynamics is a broad and interdisciplinary field, with
applications that touch almost every aspect of our daily lives.
Because of the complexity of the subject and its many applications,
it is also challenging and exciting. The aim of this School is to
present an introduction to its principles, and to discuss some of
its applications in atmospheric, geophysical, astrophysical, and
laboratory flows. Recent developments in each area will also be
discussed, to find common interests and problems, and to encourage
young scientists and students to go into this exciting field of
The School is intended primarily for graduate students of physics
and other disciplines related to the field of fluid dynamics,
although advanced undergrad students and postdocs are also
encouraged to participate. A satellite workshop on «New Perspectives
in Turbulence» will be held on the same dates. Time will be
available for discussions of posters and for short conferences.

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