Our webpage: www.iccmp.br

December 1st – 5th, 2008



Bechara Kachar (NIH, Bethesda, USA)

H. Moyses Nussenzveig (Department of Physics, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Oscar N. Mesquita (Department of Physics, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Molecular motors are proteins that have essential roles in all steps of cell metabolism and development. With the help of optical tweezers, their properties have been studied and also their functioning mechanism, in many cases within the space of a single molecule.

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First Latin American Workshop on Electron Microscopy: Material and Life Sciences, Microelectronics and E-Beam Lithography

Estimado Colega: Es muy grato para nosotros invitarlo al ‘First Latin American Workshop on Electron Microscopy: Material and Life Sciences, Microelectronics and E-Beam Lithography» a llevarse a cabo el 30 de junio y 1º de julio en Centro de Convenciones Salguero Plaza, sito en Jerónimo Salguero 2686, Buenos Aires. El mismo está organizado por el … Leer más